Cianna - Angel of Creative Power
Colored Pencil and Watercolor on Paper - 2014
Open your heart and call on this angel for a spark of inspiration and she will assist you. She may guide you through past experiences, awakening a new insight which leads you to begin an artistic project. She will assist you in sustaining your focus. Purple energy heralds her presence, yet as she takes on human characteristics you'll see her bring forth a rainbow of colors. Here she is depicted with the heart, throat and third eye centers, to emphasize her deep compassion, power of communication and vision. Cianna projects red, orange and yellow as well, to let you know she'll help boost your physical energy, support a healthy flow of emotion, and heal self-esteem issues.
In meditation, in answer to my questions about her, she told me I could call her "Cianna" and that she was an angel of creative power. I told her how grateful I am to have her companionship and beautiful energy in my life. She is an angel who will help whoever calls her to them, with their sincere desire to make their creative efforts come to fruition. If you purchase a print of Cianna, you may want to put it in the Helpful People corner of your dwelling. As you are standing inside your doorway facing in, just to your right is a spot to put symbols of Helpful "People." These helpers can be personified symbols of Spirit/God, like statues of Buddha, Jesus, Mary, or Durga, and they can also be your Animal Spirit Helpers.
I kept noticing a lot of purple energy in the room during my meditations, and also when I was working on a piece. Then I started catching glimpses of a being that appeared to be an angel. As she was around me more often, it became easier to "see" her. I felt guided to draw her as a way of acknowledging her assistance with my art and her powerful positive presence which seemed to give me more energy to continue and complete creative tasks.
I moved my original drawing of Cianna to the Helpful People area last night, and today I recieved a message on Facebook, that a print of her had been sold! Thank you, Cianna!
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